Monday, December 21, 2009

Hoosier ostriches with their head in the sand

This is Chicago_Geek's
2009 Hippie Christmas Card
to the White House

For those not inerested in my blog, Robert Byanski (December 22, 2009) sent this to all the Hoosier ostriches with their head in the sand tonight as feedback to lUGAR.
One guy a year behind me in high school was nasty to me in his first message to me. So look what the puke got: "From my 16-week Aviation Electronics course taken in 10-weeks in 1967 truism, "Every time a taxpayer hits a microprocessor keyboard key, my Navy chasing GOD'S lightning inside GOD'S microprocessor allows me to tell Uncle Sam's taxpayers YOU ARE WELCOME!!!"
Hi Bill (Hoosier rear echelon Veteran who had duty like my enlistment), Female Friend(Lady from Hoosier Land -- lUGAR’s Indiana -- holding twins), Chief of Police Custer in Garrett can not access my F.B.I. file. Brenda S. Viers and Rick Capin know little about my electronics career.
I am not a daddy but I love kids. I am trying to get Grandparents of Afghan War Fighters, that go to Church, to get angry about DEPLETED URANIUM that will be worse than AGENT ORANGE in Vietnam when the Pentagon finally tells the truth.
Robert Byanski Chicago_Geek declares War College stuff = THIS IS TIP OF THE PENTAGON'S "DU & AO" ICEBERG OF THEIR C.Y.A:
--NATO was put on the offensive in 2001 after media reports linked the use of depleted uranium ammunition in Kosovo and ....Bosnia.... with the possibility of a higher incidence of leukem...ia and other cancers among some allied troops and local residents !!!
"B52-46-07" -- Chicago_Geek -- wrote, "Dosimeters worn outside your clothing is not a valid sampling of alpha particles in lungs!!!" = "CYA" to the MAX.
The Navy defination of that "C.Y.A." is vulgar, so I cleaned up the definition without losing the meaning -- intelectualizationing.
"C.Y.A." = COVER YOUR ASSETS ( I hope I spelled "assets" correctly?)

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