Saturday, November 7, 2009


Spectral Karyotyping (at Wayne State in Detroit) quantifies how bad DEPLETED URANIUM damages human chromosomes from alpha particles inhaled into "War Fighters' lungs"! And why is thge American Medical Asociation dragging the Pentagon's feet? AGENT ORANGE nucleac bonds to human tissue and the resulting chromosome damage is also quantified by SPECTRAL KARYOTYPING. Not enough AGENT ORANGE CANCER has killed off the New York Stock Exchange's liability from defoliating Vietnam.

The Pentagon has violated NUKE NON-PROLIFERATION TREATIES with DEPLETED URANIUM !!! And the same lies they got away with in the 1950's atmospheric testing of NUKES, is a mini-Hiroshima for our War Fighters when Armor Troops violate the "KEEP BUTTONED UP" order in an ABRAMS BATTLE TANK. The DU DUST stays outside a buttoned up Abrams -- no air conditioner to cool the tank crew. As soon as the Armor Trooper pops the lid on his Abrams, the smoke he smells from killing one of Sadam's "Republican Guard commie tanks" becomes inhaled DEPLETED URANIUM DUST from the penetrator the Pentagon loaded into that Abram's battle tank !!!!! The AGENT ORANGE chemical companies did not care about our War Fighters in the jungles of Vietnam just like "penetrators will win at any cost -- profitability rules.

FOR YA'LL WITH A SET OF GOLF CLUBS PROFITEERING OFF OF DEPLETED URANIUM, here is a lawsuit that would confiscate all your assets if the Veterans had a good enough lawyer: VICTORY FOR AILING “G.I’s”.BY JUAN GONZALEZ --Wednesday, October 4th 2006, 6:57AM

A MANHATTAN federal judge has ruled that a group of New York Army veterans who fell ill after inhaling depleted uranium dust from exploded U.S. shells can sue the federal government - but only for medical malpractice after their discharge.

A 1950 Supreme Court decision - commonly known as the Feres Doctrine - has long prohibited suits against the federal government by soldiers, U.S. District Judge John Koeltl ruled last week.

"To the extent that the injuries asserted in the plaintiffs' complaint arise out of their military service . . . the court is without jurisdiction to hear those claims," Koeltl stated in his 29-page opinion.George Zelma, the plaintiffs' lead lawyer, had argued during a Sept. 6 hearing that despite the broad prohibition of the Feres Doctrine, Congress had never intended "our government to betray its own troops."

Koeltl rejected Zelma's argument, but he did allow the eight former National Guardsmen to sue the government for medical malpractice they allege was committed by Veterans Administration doctors after they were discharged back into civilian life.


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