Saturday, November 7, 2009


November 7 at 9:29pm -- My 82nd Ariborne buddy at Hines Veterans' Hospital in Chicago died of complications of "HEP-C". The blood transfusion with dirty blood is when and where he got "HEP-C" from earning a "Purple Heart".

Because Senator Evan Bayh allows negligence of Indiana University Medical school to murder Indiana Veterans, I hope one of my classmates from Indiana in 1965 allows me to quote information he just sent me on 11/5/2009 (6 days before Veterans' Day 2009),

"... What about all the buddies who served their time there, doing their job and didn't die until later in life?

"Yet they died performing their duty. Why aren't these brave men on the Viet Nam wall?

"Don Koehl (a year younger than us at ...HS) is a prime example. Viet Nam vet, died of cancer. He was killed in Viet Nam, he just didn't know it til last year.

"Every time I read an Obit of a man between 55 and 65 saying they we're a Viet Nam vet and died of cancer..I know what they died from. Exposure to agent orange. A VA doctor told me a number of years ago "anyone who served on the ground in Viet Nam. ate, drank, and breathed agent orange every day. I did my job there (67-68).", from a real hero Vietnam War Fighter fighting the Department of Veterans' Affairs and the American Medical Association after surviving jungle warfare in Vietnam. Taxpayers, what kind of "Veterans' Day 2009" did you give my classmate?

Welcome to the Vietnam Combat Veterans' Agent Orange Website. This website is an attempt to provide information about the herbicide Agent Orange used in the Vietnam War --

Medical Science had a "Pentagon's gag order" slapped on this blood test: SKY Fact Sheet -- Source: = Fact sheet on spectral karyotyping (SKY), published by the National Human Genome Research Institute.

Here is a similar "LIMITING OF LIABILITY" ploy ="The Honolulu Weekly" of Aug. 26th: newspaper article:

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